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#1 Kids screen time dashboard for iOS and Android Devices.

The ultimate screen time dashboard for kids! Compatible with iOS and Android devices, OurPact Jr. gives your child access to their daily schedules.

MFT 59(@mftlocal59)• Instagram 相片與影片

3693 位粉絲、 146 人追蹤中、 862 則貼文- Instagram 上的MFT 59 (@mftlocal59):「」

Newton Aycliffe Police

Prolific shoplifter Abigail Flatman has today been banned from entering Newton Aycliffe town centre for two years after repeatedly targeting businesses. The ...

OurPact Jr. on the App Store

評分 1.3 (7,422) · 免費 · iOS Install OurPact Jr. on your devices you wish to manage. If you have an OurPact Parent account you can download OurPact Jr. on devices paired to your account ...


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